
17 Section 2-2

2.2. Food, Drink, and Family Members

In Chapter 1, you learned most vocabulary relating to the family. Below are more family member vocabulary words.

Here are a few new adjectives to describe these and other family members.

In Chapter 1, you also learned that der Mann is “the man” and die Frau is “the woman.”

Both of these words also have a second definition.

der Mann—the husband (or der Ehemann)

die Frau—the wife (or die Ehefrau)

You may be wondering how to know the difference between them. If you use a possessive adjective with these words, they usually mean “husband” and “wife.” Compare.

      Mein Mann spielt Golf.       (My husband plays golf.)

      Der Mann spielt Golf.          (The man plays golf.)

      Seine Frau spielt Klavier.    (His wife plays piano.)

      Die Frau spielt Klavier.        (The woman plays piano.)

EXTRA PRACTICE: Click on Germanzone.org’s online exercises to review the family members from Chapter 1 and practice the new family member vocabulary from this chapter.

Watch YourGermanTeacher’s video to see a review of family member vocabulary:

In Chapter 1, you also learned about possessive adjectives.





dein/deine—your (informal)

euer/eurey’alls (you guys’)





Ihr/Ihre—your (polite)

EXTRA PRACTICE: Click on Germanzone.org’s family tree exercise to practice new vocabulary words and to review possessive adjectives.

Ex. A: Was macht Ihre Familie gern? Using possessive adjectives and family members, tell what everyone in your family likes to do. Write at least 6-8 sentences.

       Beispiel: Meine Mutter kocht gern. Mein Vater kocht nicht gern.




Video. Watch Coffeebreak Germans video to hear Germans talking about their families. The first half is without subtitles, and the second half repeats with subtitles.

We can take it one step further and talk about everyone’s favorite drinks.

Beispiel: Ich trinke gern Cola. Meine Schwester trinkt gern Sprite.

Ex. B: Was trinken Sie gern? Was trinken Sie nicht gern?

        Ich trinke gern ___________. Ich trinke nicht gern ___________.

        (I like to drink ___________. I do not like to drink ___________.)


Ex. C: Was trinkt ihre Familie gern? Nicht gern?

       Mein Cousin trinkt gern _________. Er trinkt nicht gern ________.

       Meine Nichte trinkt gern ________. Sie trinkt nicht gern ________.



Ex. D: Was essen Sie gern? Was essen Sie nicht gern? (If you don’t know all of these foods yet, go here to see pictures of them: VISUAL LEARNER DICTIONARY)

    Ich esse gern ________. Ich esse nicht gern _________.

    (I like to eat _________. I do not like to eat _________.)


Ex. E: Beschreiben Sie Ihr Essen! Using the adjectives, express your opinion on the following foods in a complete sentence.

    Beispiel: A loaf of bread with a slice cut from it

                 →Ich finde Brot sehr lecker.

  1. A pizza with a slice being removed.                         2. Grapes

3.Cucumbers                               4. image

5.Cheese                               6. Peas and a Pea Pod

7.A hamburger                                     8. Eggs

9.A slice of cake                               10. Two pieces of bacon.

11.Potatos                                12. Carrots

13.Strawberries                           14. Onions


Ex. F: Ordnen Sie das Essen den Kategorien zu! Using the vocabulary list of foods, put each item under the appropriate category.

Video. Watch Easy German’s video to hear more about fruit vocabulary words.


To express that something is your favorite, attach the prefix Lieblings to any noun.

  • Lieblingsbuch→favorite book
  • Lieblingsessen→favorite food
  • Lieblingsgetränkfavorite drink
  • Lieblingspersonfavorite person
  • Lieblingskursfavorite class/subject

Ex. G: Was ist dein Lieblingsessen? With a partner, ask each other the following questions. Answer in complete sentences. Don’t forget to put the correct ending on “mein/e” that corresponds with the gender of the word.

       Beispiel: Lieblingsbuch

              A: Was ist dein Lieblingsbuch?

              B: Mein Lieblingsbuch ist Herr der Ringe.

  1. Lieblingsessen
  2. Lieblingsgetränk
  3. Lieblingsperson (Hint: Use „wer“ instead of “was”!)
  4. Lieblingskurs
  5. Lieblingsfilm
  6. Lieblingssport
  7. Lieblingsspiel
  8. Lieblingsland


Video. Watch Easy German’s video to hear Germans answering the question, “Was ist dein Lieblingsobst?”

Video. Favorite Food. Watch Easy German’s video to hear Germans answering the question “Was ist Ihr Lieblingsessen?”

Deutsche Musik:  Listen to Namika’s hit song, „Lieblingsmensch,“ (2015) to practice Lieblings-.

AND, by request, here’s a cheesy 90s-esque song about “Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?”

Ex. H: Essen Sie gern asiatisch? Ask your classmates how well they like the following types of food.

       Beispiel: vietnamesisch

             A: Essen Sie gern vietnamesisch?

             B: Ja, ich esse gern vietnamesisch?


             B: Nein, ich esse nicht gern vietnamesisch?

  1. italienisch
  2. deutsch
  3. türkisch
  4. griechisch
  5. mexikanisch
  6. indisch
  7. japanisch
  8. chinesisch
  9. amerikanisch

Ex. I: Typisch deutsch! Watch Easy German’s video about traditional German food and give a short description of the foods below. Use the adjectives that you have learned so far, such as those on page 12, or larger classifying categories, such as Fleisch, Gemüse, oder Obst.

      Beispiel: Spätzle (plural)

                 →Spätzle sind Nudeln. Sie sind vegetarisch.

  1. Kartoffelpuffer (pl.)     
  2. Spargel (sing.)      
  3. Bratkartoffeln (pl.)
  4. Leberkäse (sing.)
  5. Maultaschen (pl.)
  6. Pfannkuchen (sing.)
  7. Bockwurst (sing.)
  8. Kartoffelsalat (sing.)
  9. Rouladen (pl.)
  10. Grünkohl (sing.)
  11. Erbsensuppe (sing.)
  12. Currywurst (sing.)

Ex. J: Was brauchen wir? What do we need to make the dishes below? Write complete sentences. 


          Beispiel: Wir machen Spaghetti. Was brauchen wir?

                    →Wir brauchen Nudeln, Tomaten und Fleisch.

  1. Wir machen eine Pizza. Was brauchen wir?
  2. Wir machen Gemüsesuppe. Was brauchen wir?
  3. Wir machen einen Salat. Was brauchen wir?
  4. Wir machen einen Obstsalat. Was brauchen wir?
  5. Wir machen einen Hamburger. Was brauchen wir?
  6. Wir machen Gulasch. Was brauchen wir?

Ex. K: Was essen Sie? What do you eat and drink for the following meals? Answer in complete sentences.

  1. Was essen Sie zum Frühstück?
  2. Was trinken Sie zum Frühstück
  3. Was essen Sie zum Mittagessen?
  4. Was trinken Sie zum Mittagessen?
  5. Was essen Sie zum Abendessen?
  6. Was trinken Sie zum Abendessen?
  7. Was essen Sie bei McDonald’s?
  8. Was trinken Sie bei McDonald’s?
  9. Was essen Sie und trinken Sie am Wochenende?

Watch Easy German’s video to see more about Frühstück in slow German.

Video:  Watch Easy German’s video, “Lunch Break,” in extra slow German.


EXTRA PRACTICE: Want more food words and more practice with them? The following exercises will help you with both.

Video: Watch Easy German’s video to see what Germans typically eat for breakfast.

Ich trinke Cola und spiele Fortnite!

EXTRA PRACTICE: family, possessive adjectives, haben/sein, and other verb conjugations, the alphabet, classroom items, and negation.

VHS Lernportal—A1 German Course.

You will need to set up an account (free!), and click on the A1 course. Click on the tab to change the site interface to English if you wish…or try it in German. You should now be able to continue to the following lessons, which review the material covered in this chapter.



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