49 Why did you . . .

1989 is a historical caesura.

No matter how often one looks at it, the dictator’s execution prevented a story from being told, and the silencing of that story haunts my birthland.


The silhouettes of the dictator and his wife as they fell when executed.

The silhouettes of the dictator and his wife as they fell when executed.


I remember being scared of my shadow and how empty it felt. Some silhouettes are even emptier than shadows. Some pauses mark stories that cannot be finished.




The Ceaușescu's are shown with the caption "The sentence was carried out immediately by firing squad."

Black and white news image of the dictator and his wife dead in the street after their executions. Bullet holes can be seen on the wall behind them.


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My X's Copyright © 2024 by Alina Stefanescu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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