
9 Chapter 9: Climax and Resolution

Chapter 9: Climax and Resolution

The climax and resolution both occur in the third act of the movie. The climax is the biggest challenge the Hero faces and answers the central question – always. If it doesn’t, then the story isn’t over – and the audience will leave scratching their heads. If the central question is, will the Hero find love? At the climax we find out – it’s either yes or no – and sometimes the Hero surprises us (and themselves) and finds love in unexpected places.

The resolution wraps it all up. This is the last scene or two when the subplots come together, the Hero reflects on their journey, and the audience leaves knowing that all is well in the world – at least until the sequel, when the Hero must return to fight another day.

Knowing your climax and resolution, even before you’ve figured out all the details and complications in your second act, is like knowing your final destination on a long road trip. Work backwards to figure out the most complicated and exciting route to get your characters to where they need to be.

This is also a great way to develop your Hero’s arc – their growth and evolution. Who do you want your character to be in the end? At the resolution, are they brave, in love, healed, happy or self-aware? Have they saved the world, found a lover or solved the mystery? Now make them the complete opposite in the beginning of your movie – scared, lonely, sad, or self-absorbed, faced with impossible problems. The bigger the leap, the more exciting it is to see the Hero triumph in the end.

The Climax is also preceded by a “ticking clock” from the second plot point onward – a sudden urgency when the Hero must reach their goal before all is lost. Regardless of the genre, this surge of energy puts us on the edge of our seats. We’re dying to see what happens next and holding our breath every second the Hero rushes towards certain destruction. It’s the high stakes that make the climax so exciting, endearing and heart wrenching – and why we got on this ride in the first place.